- 孙: 你也想去理发吗? Would you like to go in?
- 你也想去吗? Do you want to come, too?
- 办公室的你也想去经历一下高尔夫的比赛巴,看你能否躲过重重障碍,到达胜利的彼岸! Office of the experience you want to go about golf competition buses, you can see to avoid obstacles and reach the other shore!
- 我有一天也想去台南看看。可以请你当我的导游吗? I'd also like to visit Tainan some day. Would you please be my tour guide?
- “你也想来吗?”“是啊,很高兴来。” 'Do you want to come, too?' 'Yes,that would be nice.'
- 你想去那个新开的迪厅吗? Do you feel like going to that new disco?
- 你也想找总部? Thinking of getting your GED?
- 你也往伦敦方向去吗?咱们可以同行。 Are you traveling to London as well? We can go together.
- 我也想去看看。 Francesca: I'd love to see that.
- 你想去海滩晒太阳吗? Do you like to sun yourself on the beach?
- 如果你喜欢动物园兽医,这里有几个类似的游戏,也许你也想试试吧! If you like Zoo Vet, here are some other games you should also try!
- 你: 你也要去多伦多吗? Are you going to Toronto, too?
- 他也想去看电影。 He also wants to go to a movie.
- 嘿!你也想要一个黑眼圈吗? You want a black eye, too?
- 你想去奶奶家吗? Do you want to go to your gran's?
- 你也想要这样的狗狗? You want a dog like this?
- 你想去那间新开张的卡拉OK店吗? Do you feel like going to that new karaoke bar?
- 我正要去银行,你也要去吗? I am bound for the bank.Do you want to go, too?
- 不,我也想去观光。 No, I also want to go sightseeing.
- 你也乐意跟你的剃头师傅一块儿去打猎吗? Would you go hunting with your barber, too?